I team with founders for a winning mental game, standout leadership and generation of key opportunities for impact and success.

Monica Laurence coaching packages

Founder Coaching

Leadership, Mentorship, Breakthrough Insights, Lucky Mindset

Elevated Reputation

Thought Leadership, Authority, Influence and Personal Style to Set You Apart

Clear Perception

Personalised Retreats and Bootcamps to Elevate Your Game

Business Strategy

Vision, Competitive Edge, Business Model, Pricing and Packaging

Brand Strategy

Positioning, Messaging, Naming, Storytelling and Voice

Marketing Creative

Identity Design, Style, Imagery, Palette, Graphics, Typography

Monica has helped to shape the vision and story across 3 of my funded startups, all of which were acquired. She understands the true essence of the entrepreneur’s vision. It’s very hard to find this talent, and Monica is certainly exceptional. It’s not just one bright moment with her. It’s a lot of experience and methods that she brings to get to the key story, and strategy. My advice is to bring Monica in as early as possible, laying the strategic foundation for growth and success.

— Eran Palmon, serial venture-backed entrepreneur

Let's bring your vision to life - and make it real.


Book a Discovery Call

I team with founders as a coach and thought partner, or as a strategic resource for your team. Book a 30-minute discovery call and we can explore opportunities to collaborate. We'll choose the areas of focus that will deliver the most leverage. And we'll determine a path and time frame to achieve your results. If you need fast outcomes, get ready for an intensive deep dive. I look forward to accelerating your success.

We worked with Monica to launch Covo, our San Francisco coworking space, and Monica’s influence has helped to drive our strong reputation and membership sales. She posed all the questions that would deliver maximum impact. Monica has so much experience, and that comes through in her guidance and advice. Moreover, I felt supported by Monica, which is gold in the wild ride of an entrepreneur. She is positive, affirming and respectful, and made me feel that I was undertaking something worthwhile and impactful.

— Rebecca Pan, Founder & CEO, Covo and 7x serial entrepreneur

Interested in working together?

Let's establish and activate strategies for your breakthrough success.

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