This week, I returned to Fiji, my soul’s true home. It had been a while, but as always, this place welcomes me back to its embrace, where connection to nature and the essence of life is palpable. Time seems to stretch here, each day unfurling like three, instead of rushing by in the standard 24 hours. In just 10 days, I’ve felt as though I’ve spent a month in a glorious, slow-moving vortex—a sanctuary of peace, joy and most importantly, belonging. This is a place where you effortlessly connect with your true self, those around you and the deeper desires of your soul.
It’s a heaven on earth.
This past week, I’ve shared this paradise with a group of extraordinary women during a Goddess Retreat, where we nourished, revived and rediscovered the temple within. Watching them move with grace and letting their divine feminine come alive was magical. Each of these women embodied a radiant kaleidoscope of courage, tenderness, heartbreak, compassion, laughter, and fierce passion.
During the retreat, I shared my practice of reading the Akashic Records, and what emerged was nothing short of profound. But before I dive into that, let me offer some context.
Years into my spiritual journey, I discovered the Akashic Records—a vast, metaphysical library that holds the experiences, thoughts, emotions and intentions of every soul across all lifetimes. Rooted in the Sanskrit word “Akasha,” meaning aether or all potential, these records are a portal to elevated wisdom and insight. For seven years, I’ve been reading the Akashic Records, studying under mentors and honing my practice. Each reading delivers a revelation or reminder of the cosmic, eternal nature of our existence.
In fact, it was through the Akasha that I found my path to becoming the steward of Tavola. After my initial offer on this stunning property fell through, a classmate in one of my Akashic Records classes saw Tavola’s roofs during a session and shared a precise, step-by-step approach to make a renewed offer. Following that guidance, I became the fortunate Proprietress of Tavola in 2018.
The reality we inhabit is multi-dimensional, and as we grasp that truth, we come to understand that we are energetically choosing our earthly experience in every moment. It’s our energy that drives the show, switching the channels of our experience. When life feels confusing or stuck, a shift in perspective—an elevated thought—is all it takes to change the narrative.
This week, the Record Keepers, playful and loving as always, shared immense wisdom. They spoke of the power to inhabit the wind, the comfort and guidance from lost loves, the rising of the feminine queen and ancient wisdom resurrected for modern times. They conveyed divine truths about the healing symbiosis of communing with nature, the trine embedded in the triad and the playful conditions to sync with divine timing. They expounded on an exploratory and glorious flight of discovery, and they introduced charming guides to accompany us on the journey. For one Goddess, they even crafted a crown of lightning bolts, a gift from Mama Nature herself.
For me, it is a joy, honor and privilege to be in the Records and to share personal, transformative messages.
Over the years, I’ve had many conversations with the Record Keepers. Personally, I am fascinated by how our reality really works, and the commentary from the guides—combined with forays into mathematics, neuroscience and quantum physics—have helped me to decipher and more fully understand the true nature of our experience. Beyond the big cosmic questions—like “What is the nature of time?”—I consult the Record Keepers like old friends and trusted counsel, seeking guidance on everyday decisions.
For instance, one day I was wondering what the next step would be for my Quantum Surfing courses. I had already taught the first two courses. I felt that there would be a third course—which there now is—and I was wondering about the structure and content of that course. I headed to the beach with my dogs, and as they chased birds on the miles of exposed sand, I opened the Records to brainstorm …
I started by providing some background, explaining that I was wondering what would be next for Quantum Surfing. Then I asked, “What do you think I should do?”
Their response: “We don’t.”
A long, bewildered pause followed. Then, laughter bubbled up from within me.
“You don’t think!” I exclaimed, amused.
They smiled and replied, “No, Monica. Thinking is distinctly human.”
“Fair enough,” I said, still chuckling. “But surely you make choices? How do you do that?”
Their response was simple and profound: “We commit to the joy of the journey.”
That’s how we are invited to navigate our lives—through energetic alignment, guided by joy.
Here’s what I would share with you as I have come to understand and live this philosophy: choose joy. Surround yourself with true friends for the epic roadtrip of life. Allow yourself to be drawn to what you love, and dance in flow. We are on heaven’s playground. Make your playtime precious.
For those of you drawn to cosmic questions like me, here’s what the Record Keepers shared when I asked that esoteric question about the nature of time. According to them, time is an acronym: T.I.M.E.—To Intimate Moments Everlasting. Time, they explained, is a sense memory, a way to experience the vastness of what is through intimate, everlasting moments. As any quantum physicist will tell you, time is an illusion. Even Albert Einstein remarked that “the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
The Akashic Record Keepers emphasize that time allows us to slow down the all that is, and absorb the depth of experience, creating heartfelt and eternal memories from fleeting moments.
So, my wish for you? Commit to the joy of the journey, and savor the gift of T.I.M.E.—to create and cherish those intimate moments. x