I've had the pleasure of speaking and inspiring around the world, presenting in Melbourne, Sydney, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Toronto and Fiji. And now virtually.
You Need Luck to Succeed
In 2023, I traveled to Toronto to highlight the science that makes it possible for us to be predictably lucky. I also shared stories about the way I lead my life in Fiji so that the brightest artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries can come to Tavola Villa as a place to pause, retreat and rejuvenate. It's been a journey and I'm so excited to share my first TEDx Talk with you.

Imaging a world powered by 100% clean energy
I created and hosted this media series, inspired by the beauty of pristine Fiji. Global thought leaders in clean energy gathered to discuss innovative solutions to reverse the effects of climate change and establish a clean energy future.
Watch this trailer for the series or click here for all the clean energy episodes.

"A Force for Legacy"
In October 2016 I gave the closing keynote at the annual conference for Community Colleges of Australia in Sydney. Every presentation had a movie theme, and given my work history with George Lucas, mine was Star Wars.
So I presented “A FORCE FOR LEGACY” combining wisdom from Yoda with poignant life lessons I learned having survived the eye of cat-5 superstorm Cyclone Winston, which struck Fiji in February 2016:

Plan, prep, repeat.
Surround yourself with wonderful people.
How we love is what matters.
Life is the gift.
Share your talents, with flourish and delight.
Serendipity abounds, if you look.
Sense what is there for you to learn.
In every moment we create our legacy, who we are and how we impact our world. To reveal your sparkling essence, take Yoda’s words to heart and “Unlearn what you have learned.” Unlearn your defensiveness, your anger, your bitterness, your resentment, your jealousy and all those feelings that diminish you. Heal from within, and as the artist you are, paint your own life the way you want the world to be. Let the cyclones of your life be the catalyst to overcome your fears. And find the courage to step into your full potential, your dreams, your joy.
"What is your legacy?"
Each and every one of us has the opportunity to show up in every moment in such a way that is so powerful that it transforms our world and positively impacts everyone around us. I gave this presentation in Melbourne, Australia to explore the lasting impacts of one lifetime.

Tech Day 2016 // Pause Fest is the premier creative tech conference for Asia Pacific. A catalyst for innovation, a uniter of industries, a platform for the future. Pause Fest stands for the content you can't Google. Find out more at www.pause.melbourne
"The Ethical Founder"
Hacker Exchange connects Australian students and startups with visionaries and mentors in innovation capitols worldwide. I'm a Hacker Exchange Mentor, and in February 2017 I presented at Hacker Exchange Silicon Valley, inspiring attendees to use their entrepreneurial talents and passions to create positive, lasting impact.
Actionable Wisdom to Elevate Your Spirit
As the world spun to a halt in 2020, everyone sheltering in place due to the novel coronavirus, my daughter and I co-hosted a weekly series streamed live from Fiji. We gathered every Sunday morning to share the magic of the islands, sprinkle kindness and laughter and explore opportunities to allow higher consciousness to pervade our realities. In this episode, we discussed how to create in flow, by using sense decisioning and tuning into the rhythm of the universe. More clips here.

Map your winning trajectory.
Read The Mavericks Game: Be inspired every week and learn the secrets to unlock success.